▷Artificial Turf Playgrounds For Kids San Diego

Artificial Turf Playgrounds Are A Hit With Kids And Schools In San Diego

More and more schools and recreation departments are installing artificial turf playgrounds and turns out they’re a hit with kids.

Artificial Turf Playgrounds For Kids San Diego

Durable Turf

Artificial turf is made from rubber and plastics, and typically features between 25 – 40% recycled materials. Its durability makes it ideal for use as an outdoor play surface which can stand up to the rigors of kids playtime.

Safe Playground Turf

Kids love playing on artificial turf because it’s soft and doesn’t hurt when they fall down, so they can run, twist and turn without any fear of getting hurt. Not to mention they also won’t track dirt into the house when their shoes are clean.

Easy To Maintain

Many schools now use artificial turf for recess because it’s more comfortable, easier to maintain than grass and doesn’t require regular mowing. Artificial turf is easy to maintain and doesn’t need to be watered, fertilized or weeded like grass. It also doesn’t require pesticides and is resistant to weed growth like grass.

It’s also great for school sports teams because it can stand up to the frequent rains during the spring months, making it easier to maintain and only requiring an occasional rinse with a hose in between rains.

Environment Friendly Turf

Artificial turf can be made from recycled materials such as tire rubber, which makes it environmentally friendly. Several communities across the country now have outdoor play areas designed primarily for children, engaging them with nature and allowing them to learn about science. Artificial turf is a safe outdoor surface that can be enjoyed by children and is now more commonly used than grass at schools and recreation departments across the country.

Optimal Drainage

Artificial grass is perfect for ball fields and playgrounds because it equipped with optimal drainage and weather resistance. Artificial grass is made from UV-resistant materials that provide safety and durability for years to come, helping to ensure kids stay safe while enjoying their time outside. Schools who had turf installed say they would never put in real grass again because it’s more of a hassle than artificial turf.

The material is also easy to clean and doesn’t collect dirt like other surfaces can. It’s also safe enough for kids to do cartwheels, handsprings and other flips on. There’s never a need to be concerned about mud and dirt tracked into the house. It also doesn’t brown like grass will in the winter months, and still looks green all year round, which is great for PR events.

Less Bacteria

Playgrounds are full of bacterial agents that can cause skin infections, flu symptoms and other illnesses. Artificial turf is made of rubber and plastics which create a surface that’s super easy to clean. Instead of digging out the dirt on grass fields, all school staff have to do is sweep up any leaves or debris that fall onto the ground, so it’s more convenient than grass during the fall and winter months.


For more information regarding playground turf, contact Artificial Grass San Diego‘s experts at (619) 324-3600.